Friday 12 June 2020

Professor Plum

One day there was someone called Professor Plum. He had an underground bunker where he had all the illegal stuff but it was messy and he could never afford to clean it. He looked for his potions and they were all gone, someone must have been in his lab. He noticed footprints on the ground with a trail of empty bottles and gooey potions. Someone was lying in the corner dead, he found out it was his wife that had stolen his potions. She had heard they can cure stinky feet. How could someone enter my lab I made sure I had security at the top to make sure this would never happen. Now the cops are going to be all over me and my potions that are highly illegal. He got his secret potion that can bring anyone back to life but it was a risk because he hadn't tried it before now. Here goes … Well it didn't seem to work because now she's a big fat moo cow. Suddenly a big puff of smoke and she had turned back to normal without her memory. She was frightened and Professor Plum blindfolded her and took her to their house. He quickly ran back to his bunker and disguised it and called two of his best friends that knew about the operation. They came with moving trucks and loaded in his potions. And then hit the road to California and went into hiding never to be seen again.